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Placing an emphasis on questioning and challenging what a drawing is, this project will consider what a drawing can be and push traditional boundaries. The primary areas explored will be focused around creating a strong sense of the illusion of spatial depth through push and pull as well as various mark making techniques, achieving visual complexity, and finally, bringing the drawing into a physical, 3D space. Through the utilization of the frottage technique—a process by which a drawing tool is used to make rubbings over an uneven surface—students will create drawings by introducing an element of chance to the starting point. By embracing chance, as experienced in previous projects, students will search inside otherwise randomly-generated marks to discover imagery and better understand push and pull. At the project’s completion, students will realize the ability to bring a 2D drawing into a 3D space by manipulating the drawing surface, create illusions of spatial depth, and produce a visually-complex composition.
Placing an emphasis on questioning and challenging what a drawing is, this project will consider what a drawing can be and push traditional boundaries. The primary areas explored will be focused around creating a strong sense of the illusion of spatial depth through push and pull as well as various mark making techniques, achieving visual complexity, and finally, bringing the drawing into a physical, 3D space. Through the utilization of the frottage technique—a process by which a drawing tool is used to make rubbings over an uneven surface—students will create drawings by introducing an element of chance to the starting point. By embracing chance, as experienced in previous projects, students will search inside otherwise randomly-generated marks to discover imagery and better understand push and pull. At the project’s completion, students will realize the ability to bring a 2D drawing into a 3D space by manipulating the drawing surface, create illusions of spatial depth, and produce a visually-complex composition.